
On the Second Minotaur and its Significance

von Zinn, S.; Murklethorpe, T.D. J. Improb. Alleg., 3(2), Summer Solstice 2005.
ABSTRACT: A dual interpretation of The Gaffa Tape Speech is presented wherein the speech is interpreted both quasi-literally as concerning suicide, and more purely symbolically as a metaliteral account of the Buddhist state of nirvana. A two-fold interpretation is alluded to in the very narrative's main theme, viz., that London falsely believes the subject's engaffatapéd mortal remains to be a bomb, implying that the listener should look beyond the literality of the narrative sequence. Figurehead points include the significance of the first and of the second minotaur both bearing arms' load of duct tape, the nature of the ducts, and the meaning of the ongoing chaos in the living or inextinguished worlds, depending on the level of interpretation. A tentative response is suggested in answer to Mr Lynch's final query.


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