
CURRENT MOOD: smoldering
2 HOUR FORECAST: glum to irate

Dear Weblog,
It seems like so long since I last posted to you. HG is being ever so mean to me. He came down the pub tonite as is our monday nite ritual but then with in minutes of getting here he made a discreet phone call and was presently joined by a small girl from the coffee shop, you know the one, dear weblog.
And now I'm alone because he's put hoes before broes like Farmer Joezz and it's as though I don't even exist and he doesn't understand what he's doing to me because he doesn't know how I feel because he doesn't even care and it's not fair, dear weblog. If I were an album of music right now I would be Pieces of You, back when Jewel still sucked, because I feel so much like I suck right now because of that thing that I previously mentioned above.
NOW PLAYING: a perfect circle, wallowing in infinite despair (so deep)


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