

I dreamed that I, and a few other unfortunates, had to stay in this hyperdimensional hotel where its various 3-spaces were linked by the frightfully rickety elevator. (They all seemed to share the same time.) Worse, the building was inhabited by, or possibly incarnate of, some never seen but always palped Lovecraftian lifekiller. It took the janitor, the poor old bastard. My back was turned; he was just there and then when I looked again not there.
The building itself was narrow, only a few hundreds of square feet, but at least eight storeys tall. Not much length or width, but height and anakatath it had aplenty. I kept managing to get out, but having to go back in to look for whomever was left back in a closet or such. And assuming all the while that outside was safer; that the inside of the building was the worst. Remembering the decrepit, funereal yard of the place, I now expect that the "outside" I "escaped" to was part of one of the house's less-appealing orthogonal universes.
Near the end, I'd finally gotten every one who was left out, while some other one had been running a mission to a local drug store. We needed supplies, see, for demon-fighting. Something was coming. Not through the house, but like over the fake horizon made by the huge wall of fence at the rear of the yard. Actually, it wasn't such an Awful Horror; no more than the one of which Daniel spoke. It was just a big guy, or rather a guyant. No unspeakable writhings, no eldritch stench, no crawling chaos; just a gigantic guy.
FUN FACT! Around the turn of the 20th century, shorty after Riemann laid the theory for THE FOURTH DIMENSION!, Spiritualists seized on THE FOURTH DIMENSION! as the natural home of The Spirits. Some devotees of THE FOURTH DIMENSION! went so far as to claim that Spiritual Perfection could be Attained by meditation on The Tesseract, the unfolded-to-3-D 4-cube, that when the Devotee could, in his Mind's Eye (read "THE THIRD EYE") refold the cube to its native 4-geometry that he would then possess all of the (to 3-spacers) Miraculous Powers native to those of THE FOURTH DIMENSION!.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the rumor that I heard about you is true, then you should have the goddamn decency to pen -- okay, type -- at least one or two lines about what should be your broken fucking heart.

8:40 PM  

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