
Sibling Rivals

Oh, Jacky.
   While I appreciate your intermittent and mildly intelligible visits to this humble shanty, I beseech you Why? You know my refrigerator. You know just what I've got at hand. So why would you say such things knowing that my options are limited to Mike's Candyass Berryade and Everclear?
   If I didn't know better, O my brother, I would suspect that you, cunning streetsmart savage beast that you are, were trying to hit me when I was down. Cos I'm now reduced to only a 4dayopen MCB and a heinous concoction of EC/ice/sugar/water to wet my whistle while I woozily wonder how on earth to respond to these outrageous allegations. (Oh Lord, make me not to drink from this bitter cup.)
   As some French said on the NPR tonight, "let me be frank:" Dennis Madasonecanbe is not only trying to exploit the horrors of terrorism three years after it was trendy, but he's literally stomping on the flag we hold so high to do so. Do you know what must happen when a flag touches the ground? It must be cremated: it is the only dignified disposal route for such a symbol as the flag. And within 40 seconds of his abominable video, this Creed-wannabeer not only lays the flag digitally onto the ground, but stands not only on but within it as it ripples liquidically around him. This would be the sin of hubris if it weren't so (carelessly and incalculatedly) stupid. Dude's a 'tard, man. Plus he's totally encouraging our like impressionable youths to abuse the flag for their own profit.
   Jacky, think about it: If people try to manipulate our flag, then what are we really - sit down; the last dude whose mind I blew this hard fell of the porch, and this is a blowing of forceful wind not soft tender lips, fucker- standing for; then what's the point?
   Some asshole who's not the Creed asshole is trying to be the secular Angels Are Everywhere version of the Creed asshole while making money off of the totally unproductive deaths of something between two and three thousand fucking guys just standing around on the emergency call date and another fifteen-plus hundred in a bogus war since. But it's OK, cos now they're chick angels with slamming tits. This is the worst possible fucking kind of make-believe, measured in values of dollars and cents.
   You goddamned know well better than to buy into this bullshit and oh. You've been having a Christing lark at my expense, you fucking son of a cock-born bitch. Good show, old man, I took the bait. You and your fat nail-styling girlfriend are totally not getting anything for Xmas. Consider this your gift, asshole.


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