
I (no longer) hate you, Blogger

And I hate Avantbrowser worse.
"- Cannot Find Server - The web site you typed in could not be found on the internet." Have you tried looking off the internet, or maybe around its corners? What a fucking stupid insulting 404 error message. I'm a big boy; I don't need such a concrete image of the goddamned internet.
And as for the world, let it be bereft of one of the awesomest posts that OTHERWISE would have been made.
Apparently that did go through. Blogger's OK, I guess. But I still Fing hate Avant's aolspeak "PROBLEM DETECTED WITH YOUR COMPUTER! FIXING PROBLEM!" retardspeak. What's wrong? The populace doesn't understand computers? Well, let's talk down to them like mongoloid toddlers! That'll help! Ooh, and let's make more oversized and cartoonish buttons for them to push. That's sure to help them relate.
Most retarded common denominator.


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