

   Last week I received a paycheck. It was an envelope with keys, a few subway tokens, and a ticket to the worst Afflection ever inflicted on a Phil Dick story. Almighty Christ, why don't you clench your jaw a little tighter. To show the strain. It also had an actual check in the envelope. A small one.
   As I am a graduate student, my stiped is trimmed over the summer. From academic-year biweekly wages of $110 over my half of the rent, it's reduced to 10 under my rentshare. Last friday it was cut still further to $151 below, which would leave me with about 148 dollars to subsist on in any given month. As appealing as is the ideal of the anchorite scholar, I like my ivory towers to be of some dead thing's bones, not my own jutting out of my palsied scurvious frame.
   Apparently, the administrator thought that since my TAing assignment had been cut (insufficient enrollees to pay a professor and an assistant), that I was cut off. Which, if anyone cares to do the math I've encoded above, would be exactly ___ dollars less biweekly income than my rent, and a pretty squalid state for me. I had fearfully anticipated this, and not looked forward to the character it would build.
   Happily, the office boss has greased the unhatched chicken, and apparently the Department is going to fund the remainder of my summer, teaching or not. In fact, I'll be getting a raise. To the tune of about sixtythree dollars more than my rent.


Blogger Stani von Zinn said...

re. your comment,
a/s/l is aolspeak for age?sex?location? Typically it follows a request like 'n e 1 wnat 2 cyb3r?'
Anyway, I found your webbelog by reading such random entries from the Recently Updated Blogs page as looked like they weren't written by a 15 yearold illiterate or a Venezuelan porn spambot. On average, one or 2% are worth reading.
What's creepy about that page is that if you look at the times all of these updates were posted, there are a few to dozens posted per second.

1:02 PM  

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