
Fire drill

   I was waiting in saturday Dover traffic (such as it were) wondering, among other things, what was taking the light so long. And I felt the advantage slipping yet again. Every second I waited there, the terrorists were winning.
   It is as if the Transformers had cyberformed the earth, using huge stockpiles of energon found largely under historically Palestinian soil, and the Jews, resentful of the xenons' perceived luxurious lifestyle and constant encroachment upon their culture, declared guerilla revolution against the Autobotian empire. This time, they've found, it's not as simple as marrying their raped sister to a transformer on the condition that all male robos got circumcised, and then slaying them all on the third day when the pain is at its worst. They must fight, like real-life Palestinians, using vastly inferior technology and by any means possible.
   Every mile driven, every second sat in traffic, every engagement of the ignition, dinars and shekels roll into the horrible pockets of Terror. Lest the reader be misled, the oil-terror connection is nowhere near as insidious as the drug-terror relationship. Surveys have shown scientifically that more than 100% of every drug transaction goes directly into terror's coffers. With the petro connection, it's much, much less than 100% of the profits. A lot of that money goes to, say, citizens of the many enlightened unconstitutional monarchies and other types of mesoöriental governments where citizens are still regularly arrested for protesting their inability to vote. Vote, indeed. Who gave them the right?
   Even the citizens of the freeëst country in the world are not Constitutionally allowed a vote. That we can vote to ask our electors to vote for our candidate-of-choice is a privilege, not a right. "Such powers not specifically appointed to the federal, et c., are appointed to the States or the People et c." And a good thing, too. Imagine how much worse off we'd be if we had a popularly elected president who didn't know anything about the oil business.


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