
Swing low, sweet autobot

For some reason, my hand bears the phrase, PLIGHT OF THE BUMBLEBEE.
   I've never really been able to sort out my feelings about the Littlest Autobot. Somewhere between annoyance and condescending affection. All of those god damned transformers shows had the same fatal flaw: Too many annoying kids, too little focus on future robot destruction. If I wanted to watch foolish hu-mans gumming up the works of an otherwise well-oiled machine, why would I watch a show about robots? Come on. Of course, it was Bumblebee's sole purpose in every incarnation of the show to cart the children around, and whether it was his personality in itself or too much exposure to their puny carbonaceous lameness, he pretty much did the same thing as them: get in the way, fuck shit up, and waste time, valuable time that could've been spent battling.
   And yet there is something endearing about him- the ultimate loserbot. I can imagine him in his youth coming home with broken mirrors, his muffler dragging, sniffling back tears after the bigger robots had bullied him all day at roboschool or whathaveyou.
   I just don't know about that guy.


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