
Good news & weird dreams

Last night's entry from the recently incepted Hippie Journal:
21 August 11 days without any yelling after dark. I was starting to think it was all just a bad dream. But then [page break]
9ish: Stomping. [Meaning only that someone came home. -ed.]
10ish Too loud of talk on the porch.
10:31 Someone in the building yells QUIET! Twice. And this, someone on the other side [of the dupliced building], ALL THE WAY ACROSS FROM THE PORCH where Zoëaut; and 2 or 3 other idiot chicks are yelling.
10:45 A scream/yelp like someone put ice down her shirt. Then talk of a dead grandmother, fairly quiet. Cackling. Lots of loud laughter. (About a guy who's "going to have a heart attack any day now.")
10:53 Now I'm watching Bond too loudly to hear. I'll note when the others leave if I'm [still] up.
11:40 [A g]ood time to get louder. One's leaving.
11:45 She left.
11:58 Are they wrestling? Falling bodies, yells of pain, OW, OKA-A-A-AY- what is wrong with them? BRAK. Nice burp, Lady.
12:14 Fuck? Suck? Something -uck, that's for sure[;] that and more furniture-dragging sounds.
Also, someone's a is he crazy? STONER. (cackle.) Going to bed.
Mostly it's the other idiot, not Zoe.
Z. drones on & the other yells & "laughs." They're rude even to each other, talking over each other. [Apparently the journalist failed to go to bed, despite his intentions -ed.] 3 of them; Z. is on the phone (yelling into it) [on the porch, so she can hear or so everyone else can?] & the other's still talking to someone. Z & arone [?] are having a really serious talk. Etc. Goodnight. It's 12:20.
"And everything was great EXCEPT one of the bedrooms didn't have any windows."
She's looking to move out!
[end transcript; I went to bed and still couldn't get to sleep until after 3, due to no fault of their idiotic own]
I never thought it might be a good thing to have the cunt yelling her business after midnight on the porch. Good news at last.
    I dreamed, after I finally fell to sleep, about a girl I once(?) had a crush on. I was talking to her, apparently from the porch of my soon to be ex-neighbors, and she was on my porch. I leaned my head & shoulders (more of which I could use, flake that I am) over the edge of the porch, hanging my face upsidedly down in front of hers, in breathsmelling, breathfeeling distance, and asked her Why don't we get married?
   And so on; you know how dreams go. It's only occurred to me while transcribing the weirdity that this was half of the exact behavior the hippies' cat exhibited to me when I was on the porch below him. He was pissed off, though; my intent was purely amorous. But I wonder. What a Christlessly weird piece of impenetrable symbolism.
   For the record, I think the dream evolved in such a way that the hanging down was itself a dream (whoa, man), a dream that I subsequently tried to make a reality, but as it turns out, even in a dream it's very difficult to stage such an absurd pickup line.
   Peace out in the middle east out, with the west coast jews moved out afore al Lah show he clout and smite the cutcock motherfuckers with the yeast gout.


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