

I seem ain't to've said the half of it. How many times before I learn never to post before hitting the groceria?
    They also offer "Baby Bella." That is, button-sized portabellas. So it's the same species as the regular button Agaricus, and the same size. But it's slightly browner. I'm sure that's worth the extra buck a pound to the connoisseur, and my savage wit is only compensating for my equally barbaric palate.


Fungal Crème

It turns out that Portabella, née Portobello, is a marketing fraud.
   Tired of throwing out their too-large rejects, the Agaricus industry here in America decided to trick the public into thinking extra large mushrooms were extra delicatastic. By making up an italian-sounding name. With predictably great success. So now we can buy little overpriced white mushrooms or large way-overpriced brown ones and get no more nutrition or other benefit for our buck. Good luck to them converting their caves into lighted factories to grow other, even more lucrative but phototropic, species.
FUN FACT !! Did you know that mushrooms growing in a ring are in fact all the same organism? It's true! The biggest part of the mushroom is a seething, writhing network of cell-tubes called "mycelium" that spreads from your front lawn, where it occasionally throws up its "genitals," or private parts, the mushrooms, and then into your basement, up through your walls, and into your closet! In fact, scientists believe that Boogeymen are actually yet a third form of mushroom body with the abilities of movement and hunting. Scientists in Switzerland recently discovered a one-thousand year old mushroom spanning thousands of square feet, which only proves what pussies those frenchies are, because OUR biggest mushroom, in Oregon, has grown over 2,500 years to span thousands and thousands of acres! USA No. 1 4-EVA!! US RULZ, UROP DRULZ!1!