
Thoughts on the loss of the use of my right index finger

I burnt myself the other night. It was a stupid accident. Like many others of my stupid accidents, it involved alcohol. A further similarity is that it would just as easily have happened if I were sober. I'm unaccustomed to Professional grade cookware- pots and pans in particular- lacking the anti-retard plastic insulation on the handle. Anyway, I have a blister covering a small majority of the middle segment of my right index finger. I can't bend it, this finger. The one that goes over the J, which has the bump on it for eyeless typing.
Here is how I type without watching my right hand: The quick brown fox jumped over the kazy dig, Jumom fix jump, See Ducj watch the fix, Watchm Ducjm watch,
Actuakkym U seemed ti be gettung a kuttke better fir a munute there,
K is L, U is I, M is comma, comma is period. This is bad.
I hadn't realized how much for granted I take the use of that one finger, so much the more the ten of them. Honestly, I'd trade an eye (temporarily) to have use of this damned finger back. It reminds me of the first time I got the Clap, but with woeful lack of a potholder instead of a Propho. "1/28/06: Always Remember, Nevar Again." This sure taught me a lesson about what happens when men attempt Women's Work. Try to help a broad out, and look what it gets.
I can't even leftclick with it.
I'm going to go post in my livejournal and ask unqualified strangers how long burns of unspecified severity take to heal.